What RCS Students Are Learning This Week

Mrs. Bettendorf’s 7th grade Art elective students learn about artist Faith Ringgold and begin to create collage pieces.

Biotechnology students in Mrs. Clayton’s class learn about body planes, quadrants, and cavities through large-scale diagrams.

Math Boost students in Mrs. DeVillier’s class practice finding the area of composite figures on hallway walls.

Students in Mrs. Porter’s Science class use all of the knowledge learned throughout their Genetics unit to create a monster during a simulation activity.

Mr. Abline’s AP World History students have fun and review their recent learning through performing a song and playing a game.

8th grade English students in Mrs. Morrow’s class analyze the structure of a text.

Students in Mrs. Bailey’s Biology class debate the ethics of medical research based on their study of Henrietta Lacks and HeLa cells.

AP Language students in Ms. Charles’s class participate in a debate to hone their rhetorical skills.

Mrs. Meadows’s Math 2 students begin to learn about geometric transformations through Desmos simulations.