As of right now, we will operate on normal school hours tomorrow. We will be closely monitoring the forecast to ensure we make adjustments if anything changes, so please pay attention to your email and our social media for any possible updates.
Don't forget that Spirit Week is still in full swing tomorrow! The theme for tomorrow is Stars and Stripes and Camo Hype, so wear your red, white, and blue and camo too for just $1!

The Animal Welfare BDCD Group is having a supply drive for the animal shelter from now until February 21. If you'd like to donate items, you can drop them off at room 231 or at the front desk.
They are collecting the following:
Cat Litter

With the threat of winter weather coming in, tomorrow, Feb. 11 will be a remote learning day.
As of right now, we are unsure of the plan for school on Wednesday. In the event that we close school on Wednesday, Monday, Feb. 17 will be a school day for students. We will communicate plans tomorrow about the operation of school for Wednesday.

Our last Dog Walk Guided Tour is this Friday, Feb. 14 from 8:30 - 10:30 a.m. here at RCS. If you are interested in taking a tour and learning more about RCS, please make sure to sign up for a time here: https://bit.ly/RCSDogWalk

Good Evening! Here are this week's announcements.
Middle School: https://rcsmiddle.my.canva.site/bulldogsbulletin
High School: https://rcs-high-school.my.canva.site/

Don't forget Spirit Week is next week, February 10-14!
It will only be $1 per day to participate!
Modesty rules still apply, so spaghetti straps, leggings, sweatpants and jeans with rips and/or frays are NOT ALLOWED! Jeans are allowed if they are part of the theme.

Don't forget, tomorrow is a $2 Jeans Day!

Senior Abigail Smith participated in the Central District Honor Band Clinic at the North Carolina School of Science and Math on January 31 and February 1. Abigail auditioned on January 18 and ranked #10 out of 38 clarinets from the Durham, Burlington, Greensboro, Asheboro, and Pittsboro areas. The Central District High School Honor Bands have students from 36 different high schools from around the district. Abigail is the only student from Person County. She performed a concert with this honor band on Saturday, February 1st. Congratulations Abigail! #BulldogProud

🌟 Happy National School Counselor Week! 🌟
A huge thank you to our amazing counselors, Suzy Horton and LaTonya Ragland, for the unwavering support and guidance they provide to our students every day. Your dedication makes a world of difference, and we are so grateful for you! 💙✨
We also want to recognize Jodi DeVillier, our incredible registrar and guidance support staff member. Your hard work behind the scenes helps keep everything running smoothly, and we appreciate all that you do!
Let’s show them some love in the comments! 💬❤️ #NationalSchoolCounselorWeek #ThankYou #RCSFamily
🎨 Design created by Canva Design 8th-grade student Kayleigh Davenport.

Any high school boys interested in playing golf this season, there will be workouts tomorrow at Caswell Pines from 3:50 - 5 p.m.
Practice will start next week, weather permitting.

Spirit Week is coming up next week, February 10-14! All high school and middle school students are invited to join the fun. A $2 donation is required to participate each day. No leggings, PJs, or sweats allowed. The themes are below! Check out the flyer below for more details!
Monday - Top It Off Day
Tuesday - Time Travel Tuesday
Wednesday - Stars and Stripes and Camo Hype
Thursday - Team Spirit Thursday
Friday - Seeing Double Day

Good Evening! Here are this week's announcements.
Middle School: https://rcsmiddle.my.canva.site/bulldogsbulletin
High School: https://rcs-high-school.my.canva.site/

The RCS Band is putting on their annual Variety Show on Friday and Saturday, February 7 and 8 in the MPR! The show starts at 7 p.m. and admission is $5! Come cheer on all the amazing students as they share their talents!

As we close out School Board Appreciation month, RCS would like to recognize our Board of Directors for the leadership it provides our school. Our purely voluntary board is dedicated to ensuring it provides support for our staff and school community as we collaboratively continue to successfully prepare our students to realize their individual potential. Thank you RCS Board of Directors, and Happy School Board Appreciation Month! Click the link to view our Board of Directors page on the RCS website. https://www.roxborocs.org/page/board-of-directors

Sophia Peeples won the RCS HOSA Medical Terminology Quiz Bowl yesterday afternoon. Sophia correctly answered 28 medical word parts in 1 minute to win the bowl. Way to go, Sophia!!

Mrs. Conner's AP Environmental Science and Mrs. Devenuti's Stem 2-3 class took an exciting field trip to the Brown Water Treatment Plant in Durham, NC, on Wednesday, January 29. Students had the unique opportunity to tour the facility and learn firsthand from industry professionals about their water footprint. They explored just how much water goes into the everyday items we use, gaining valuable insight into water conservation and sustainability.

The High School Varsity Women's Basketball game for tonight has been canceled. The HS Varsity Men will now play at 6 p.m. tonight at RCS!

A few of our staff members spent the remote day at the ACT Summit Conference today. They learned about different avenues and strategies to improve overall student engagement and learning, as well as increasing ACT scores. They were also informed of the new changes coming to the ACT starting in April, which will not affect our students testing in March. They are now feeling even more qualified to help prepare our students for taking the ACT!

This week is National School Choice Week! We are proud to be a school of choice here in NC! #wearenccharters #schoolchoiceweek

At the close of the academic year (2023-2024), RCS students take state assessments on a variety of subjects in the areas of reading (ELA), math and science. They take end-of-grade (EOG) assessments in middle school and end-of-course (EOC) assessments for high school courses. The state uses statistical tools to measure academic growth. Many of our teachers received a rating of “Exceeds Growth” according to these measures, which placed them in the top 25% of teachers in the state in those measured areas in terms of growth. Congratulations to all the teachers who earned this achievement!
Math 8 (EOG) - Charissa Denny
Biology (EOC) - Ashley Bailey
Biology (EOC) - Savanna Conner
English II (EOC) - Whitney Anderson
Math I (EOC) - Amanda Carter
Math III (EOC) - Amanda Carter
Congratulations also to our teachers who met growth! Christa Jones (Reading - 6th), Judy Clayton (Math - 6th), Liza Griffin (Reading - 7th), Heather Lewis (Math - 7th), Beth Stultz (Reading - 8th), Holly Oliver (Reading - 7th), Katie DeVillier (Math - 6th & 7th), Charissa Denny (Math I - EOC) and Kayla Haga (Math I - EOC)